Street Address:
5350 Tomah Drive
Suite 2500
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Phone: 833-455-3335
ext. 820 Tribal Technical Assistance
Mailing address:
3578 Hartsel Drive, E-368
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
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Request for Training and Technical Assistance
You can click the link above to make a request for training and technical assistance from Red Wind.
Ask a question, learn about what we can offer, get help with problem solving, strategies for your work, new ideas and more.
We will provide a return email/phone call to begin responding to your request within 2 business days.
In the Wind eNews for Tribal Programs
provides emails describing upcoming training and resources Red Wind has to offer. You can opt in to receive our eNews by selecting the link: In the Wind eNews.
Tribal College Campus Newsletter
Provides information about Training and Technical Assistance available from Red Wind that is specific for the Tribal College or University.

Contact Us
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